
Lifestyle is a short film that follows a gay North Texas public school teacher as he fights for one of his students. The film features a digital de-aging shot (7:50 in the YouTube video) that I created using a 2d digital “mask” via planar tracking, and it is the only film from the University of Texas to feature such an effect. The short achieved multiple honors at film festivals around the world.

My roles: Director, Writer, Editor, VFX Artist

the muppets mayhem

In Summer 2022, I received an offer to work at Soapbox Films as a VFX Artist on The Muppets Mayhem. We began work in Fall 2022 and completed the effects for the series in Spring 2023. Most of my job consisted of wire removal and compositing with Nuke, and digital asset creation with After Effects. I was also fortunate enough to operate an LED Wall for a day on a virtual production stage on-set with The Muppets in Burbank.

My roles: VFX Artist, Virtual Production Assistant


A personal project I completed during my undergrad at the University of Texas, Luna is a short film about the nature of fiction, fantasy, and passion as an escape from an oppressive environment.

My roles: Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Editor, VFX Artist


Currently making its film festival run, Tia Kanaeholo’s LMU graduate thesis film, Ornamental Oriental, examines the social experiences of Asian American women living in a predominantly white country. The full short film will be available upon wide release.

My roles: VFX Artist


Loosely inspired by Dante’s Inferno, Callisto’s End is a short film chronicling a space-faring crew’s descent into madness upon the surface of Jupiter’s moon, Callisto.

My roles: VFX Artist


In 2019, my friend Reuben and I shot this music video for his experimental hip-hop track, Hemlock.

My roles: Director, Cinematographer, VFX Artist